
Fdm-s2 wxtoimg
Fdm-s2 wxtoimg



  • On Thursday, I did a complete uninstall of SDR Console and a clean install of build 845.
  • What was happening with the satellite decodes was the RF display was showing the correct frequency (complete with updating doppler correction) but the audio was clearly "off frequency" and so the received audio was distorted and this was resulting in poor quality decodes.
  • fdm-s2 wxtoimg

    On 120.912.5MHz no RF signal is visible on the spectrum display on that frequency but the audio of what is actually on frequency 120.925MHz comes through, the AM RF signal carrying that audio is visible on the correct frequency of 120.925MHz but if I tune to that frequency, no audio comes through decoding the AM transmission on 120.925MHz while displaying an RF frequency of 120.912.5MHz.

  • v3 build 845 is sometimes getting into a situation where it is decoding an RF frequency when it is displaying another e.g.
  • By accident I found out that by clicking, in this case below the actual frequency and thereby changing the RF frequency by -12KHz to 120.912.5MHz, suddenly there's the ATIS audio, loud and clear.
  • On the audio spectrum display no modulation is apparent. However, no voice is audible, only static. On the RF spectrum display, the AM signal is clearly visible on the RF spectrum display at a frequency of 120.925MHz.
  • Let me give one example I experienced a number of times the local airport ATIS transmits continuously on 120.925MHz (AM).
  • This is not an issue with audio decoding as such the symptom is that the RF frequency displayed and the frequency that's actually being demodulated, are on occasion falling out of kilter.
  • fdm-s2 wxtoimg

    BR Cormac, EI4HQ NNNN++++Īll, I've spent a bit of time this week trying to understand what may be happening. For old rope, at the start of the above mentioned NOAA 15 pass, I reconnected the RSP1 to that Win7 PC, fired up SDR Console (also build 811) and the audio came thumping through even as the satellite was just peaking above the horizon.


    Finally, I've been using a Windows 7/64 bit machine with SDR Console v3, also build 811 and the same RSP1 for the sat decoding before today. I can't even begin to speculate about what, but something ain't right with the DSP chain and the RSP1 in the particular setup I've on the go. I can make the "hole" disappear for a while by changing the LO mode but then after 30-60s it returns. I've also noticed that on the RF spectrum display, a "hole" is appearing just off the centre frequency (it's appeared both to the left and to the right of fc at different times).

    fdm-s2 wxtoimg

    I rebooted the machine just now, and having restarted SDR console I'm getting "some" audio on the satellite signals but it's not at all right - the audio is still distorted and nothing like as strong as it should be. For all but the strongest signals, the received audio spectrum in SDR console is showing no audio wave form present (just static noise) though the IF spectrum is showing the RF signal as normal. Only a very strong RF signals seems to result in audio from the setup I've outlined above. Throughout the day I've tried changing frequency, filters, mode etc, in SDR console and, in desperation I've also tried fiddling with every audio setting I can find in Windows but to no avail.

    fdm-s2 wxtoimg

    That said, the audio didn't sound right - it was both scratchy and distorted (clipping). when the signal was at its very strongest. Eventually, I figured out that the issue appears to be something to do with audio levels NOAA 15 has just made quite a high pass here (the first decently high satellite pass since I noticed this problem) and audio did finally come through on that pass, however only toward the top of the pass i.e. However, no usable decoded audio was coming through for the satellites. The satellite RF signals are as per usual quite solid (I've an external QFH antenna as I regularly pull down pictures from the NOAA birds) but not anywhere near as strong as the BFM stations of course. when RF signals are strong but I've being going nuts all day trying to get audio for the NOAA APT satellites (circa 137MHz, WFM, 40KHz filter). With this new setup, I'm getting clear audio decode for broadcast FM stations i.e.


    Just this morning I installed SDR console V3 build 811 (64 bit) on a new Windows 10 machine. Jim et al, I've had a similar experience today and came onto the group to seek help - the first message I fell over was yours Jim.

    Fdm-s2 wxtoimg